Read my article about the Château of Fontainebleau in The New York Times, online now. Click to read it here.
The illustrated hardcopy piece appeared in the Sunday edition of The New York Times on October 2.

Also by Thad Charhart

Author bio

Thad Carhart portrait by Simo Neri

The son of an Air Force officer, Thad Carhart grew up in a variety of places, including Washington, D.C.; Fontainebleau, France; Minneapolis; Amherst, Massachusetts; and Tokyo. After graduating from Yale, he worked for the State Department as an interpreter.
His first book, The Piano Shop on the Left Bank, appeared in 2000, published by Random House. Across the Endless River, a historical novel, came out in 2009 with Doubleday. Finding Fontainebleau will be published by Viking Penguin in May 2016. He lives in Paris.